
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member or renewing your membership with the International Spenser Society. The current dues are $28/year for membership, with a discounted price of $18/year for students, emeriti/ae faculty, and independent scholars. Any additional contributions are most welcome and considered tax-deductible. The I.S.S. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Some of the initiatives your membership fees and donations support include annual prizes (Colin Clout Award, Isabel MacCaffrey Award, Anne Lake Prescott Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize), our dedicated conference sessions (Sixteenth-Century Studies, Renaissance Society of America, and Modern Language Association), our Zoom events (Spenser at Random, Inclusive Pedagogy Initiative, Hugh Maclean Lecture), and other Spenser-related initiatives (Spenser ReviewThe Shepheardes Calender podcast, graduate student bursaries for conference travel). We could not do them without your generous support.


Members also receive our newsletter, containing details of upcoming events organized by the Society and otherwise of interest to Spenserians, as well as details of calls for papers, sponsored conference panels and prizes.

If you have any questions about your current state of membership or about donating to the I.S.S., please reach out to the I.S.S. Secretary (Chris Barrett, and Treasurer (Joshua Reid,