Anne Lake Prescott Prize
Awarded in conjunction with the Spenser Review, the Anne Lake Prescott Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize seeks to cultivate and advance the next generation of Spenser scholarship by recognizing a distinguished paper on any aspect of Edmund Spenser’s life and works presented by a graduate student at a scholarly conference in the previous two academic years.
We are pleased to name the prize in honour of Anne Lake Prescott, in recognition of her warmth, engagement, and ever insightful, witty responses to papers at conferences that helped many a young Spenserian. We are honoured to have future students continue to benefit from her mentoring through this award.
Recipients receive an honorarium, possible publication of their piece in a future issue of the Spenser Review, and mentorship as they prepare their papers for publication.
Papers eligible for consideration must be:
• 8-12 double-spaced pages in length, including notes
• written by a student enrolled in a graduate degree program at the time the paper was delivered
• presented to an audience at a scholarly conference, whether international, national, regional, or graduate student-run, between May 2024 and May 2026.
Papers must be submitted by 31 May 2026 via email to the current ISS Secretary
Past Winners
Tanya Schmidt Morstein
Victoria Florio Pipas
Jeff Griswold
Honorable mention: Andrew Carlson